Mexico – left populism

May 2024 Forums General discussion Mexico – left populism

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    He should not be called a leftist when he is not so radical. He said that there would not be any  reprisal, which means that the crimes of the prior administrations are not going to be punished, he will include in his cabinet some of the members of the old political parties, and he will make new pact with Donald Trump, he said that would be something like the Alliance for progress implemented by John F Kennedy. Some followers are saying that he is the new Hugo Chavez, but he does not even get close to Chavez past propositions. He is just a Mexican Bernie Sanders, a social democrat, and a representative of the Mexican nationalistic ruling class, as a nationalist, he doesnt even get closer to Cardenas


    AMLO is definitely a populist, but he is not a left-wing radical. His catchy political narrative is based on creating opposition between honest citizens and dishonest politicians (which he calls the "power mafia"), but his discourse does not reference labour issues, class struggle, US imperialism, or financial capitalism at all.
    alanjjohnstone wrote:

    AMLO is definitely a populist, but he is not a left-wing radical. His catchy political narrative is based on creating opposition between honest citizens and dishonest politicians (which he calls the "power mafia"), but his discourse does not reference labour issues, class struggle, US imperialism, or financial capitalism at all.

    It won't take too long for the Mexican working class to be dissapointed about him, his populists messages,  and his klan, He is going to be another Troyan Horse like Lenin Moreno in Ecuador, Humala in Peru, and Bachelot in Chile. He has said that in regard to the relationship with  the US, it is going to be something similar to Kennedy Alliance for Progress which was another Troyan Horse of the US ruling class, the Pentagon and the CIA. He is not going to prosecute the crimes committed by others politicians, ministers and presidents, and he is going to make alliance and place on his cabinets members of the priors administrations, and he has changed his discourse from nationalization of the means of production to protection of the private property. Is that an anti-establishment politician ? He sound like another populist right winger  like  Donald Trump. He does not even get close to the aspirations of the Zapatistas Movement

    #133127 Palast, with his usual bombast.

    I can tell you, AMLO is way more Bernie Sanders than Hugo Chavez, and I’ve known all three. (That’s not to knock Chavez who rightly shifted the nation’s oil wealth from the pampered to the impoverished.)Both AMLO and Sanders were mayors who ran their cities as what I’d call, “Pothole Populists.” It’s get-the-job-done socialism with the emphasis onsocial not –ism.

    I'd wish AMLO ever peice of luck he requires to improve the lot of workers in Mexico (although it seems his coalition includes social conservatives), the point is that he won't get much beyond the pot-holes. 

    Young Master Smeet wrote: Palast, with his usual bombast.

    I can tell you, AMLO is way more Bernie Sanders than Hugo Chavez, and I’ve known all three. (That’s not to knock Chavez who rightly shifted the nation’s oil wealth from the pampered to the impoverished.)Both AMLO and Sanders were mayors who ran their cities as what I’d call, “Pothole Populists.” It’s get-the-job-done socialism with the emphasis onsocial not –ism.

    I'd wish AMLO ever peice of luck he requires to improve the lot of workers in Mexico (although it seems his coalition includes social conservatives), the point is that he won't get much beyond the pot-holes. 

    They were not able to steal the presidency, because too many peoples votes for Obrador and it was very difficult to make  another electoral fraud like  the one made in 2012,  but they are still  stealing the Congress posts. The support is higher than 54%, it is probably around 75%, but the opposite forces are making electoral fraud to be able to malke opposition in the Mexican senate.In 2012 he was taking more radicals potical, sociological and economical stands but in 2018 he watered them down including the nationalization of some sectors of the economy and the legalization of the drugs, to  lower  salaries of the state ministers


    The new president of Mexico rectified his old stand of reducing the salaries of the state officials. He does not want to have any bodygards, and he does not want to live in Los Pinos which is the presidential house.


    I dont think this illusion between leader and workers is going to last too long. The same situation took place in Ecuador with Lenin Moreno

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