French elections head-to-head

May 2024 Forums General discussion French elections head-to-head

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  • #85374

    Apparently Macron has been visiting a factory that is being closed down (my French is impressionistic):


    Emmanuel Macron aux salariés de Whirpool : «Je ne vous fais pas de promesse en l'air»


    Devant des syndicalistes de Whirpool, à qui il tend le micro, Emmanuel Macron s'exprime dans une vidéo retransmise sur sa page Facebook : «Je ne vais pas vous dire je nationalise Whirpool, ce serait démagogique. […] Je ne suis pas au gouvernement, donc si je l'actais devant vous [que Whirpool aura un repreneur] je mentirais. […] La réponse à ce qui vous arriv,e ça n'est pas de supprimer la mondialisation, ça n'est pas de fermer les frontières. ne vous trompez pas parce que ceux qui vous disent ça vous mentent. […] Moi je vais prendre mes responsabilités sur le plan social, je vais regarder toutes les aides directes pour qu'elles soient restituées. […] La fermeture des frontières, c'est une promesse mensongère, je vous le dis.» «Je ne vous fais pas de promesse en l'air», insiste le candidat, face aux salariés mécontents, en promettant qu'il reviendra pour «rendre des comptes».

    Outside Le Pen posed with the workers…


    Another note-worthy development is that, unlike all the other candidates, the far-left candidate Mélenchon has refused to endorse Macron in the second round, so leaving the way for his supporters (he got over 19% of the votes, i.e nearly a fifth) to vote for Le Pen if they want, attracted by the same narrow nationalist policies both her and him advocated.


    From what I'v seen, more of Melenchon's voters are likely to go to abstension than to Le Pen, the supporters of Fillon, who has endorsed Macron, are more likely to got o Le Pen.


    Here's what today's Times is saying:

    Marine Le Pen has set out to win over left-wing voters by casting herself as protector of the working class and softening her hostility to Europe before the presidential vote on May 7.  In a television appearance she sought to  build momentum against Emmanuel Ma­cron, the centrist favour­ite, by making a direct pitch to the supporters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the revolutionary leftist who took 19 per cent of the vote in Sunday's first round.Mr Melenchon refused yesterday to join the main­stream parties in urging voters to gang up against the far right and reject Ms Le Pen.The National Front leader depicted herself as being close to Mr Melenchon on the need to protect workers from hostile foreign competition and European de­regulation that could rob them of em­ployment rights. She claimed that Mr Macron, 39, was an agent of the "oligarchy" who wanted to sell France out to global finance.

    The article went on to say that she had already won over 12 percent of Mélechon's voters. This should not be a surprise as the French "Communist" Party paved the way, with its long-standing slogan of "Produisons français" (Let's Produce French), for the Front National to take over its voters.It was of course British leftists with similar views to Mélenchon who swung the vote in favour of Brexit, in effect allying themselves with UKIP.

    #126865't know if you'll be able to read that.Le Pen won the youth vote (18-34 she came ahead of Melenchon at 25%, she beat Macron in 35-49 bracket, Fillon ruled the 65+ bracket).Le Pen won the poor vote, she smashed ahead of Melenchon on th <€1500bracket, beat Macron on the €1,500-€2,500 bracket, Macron edged €2,500-€3,500, and aced on those above.Le Pen won the manual labourers and salried employees (exc. managers)brackets.Another image: It looks like the working class is split between Melenchon and Le Pen, the SP has been smashed (but would be interesting to see how it's parliamentary vote holds). We seem to be looking at the failure of reformism.  As some Conrynistas point out, the soft left across Europe is in ruins, whatever the faults of Corbyn, he may protect the Labour party as a force, if not as a ruling party.


    Actually, looking at that chart, Le Pen has hardly gained anything: she has a roick solid core of that 18%…

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