World Socialist Party (US) Facebook

May 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement World Socialist Party (US) Facebook

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    The World Socialist Party of US has established a new page in Facebook. They need input from members of the campanion parties of the World Socialist Movement. Their page  has also been published in several forums in Latin America


    Any person from Latin America including the Caribbean Islands wishing to become a member of the WSM, he/she may apply thru the World Socialist Party of the US, and the Socialist Party of Canada. There is an application in  Spanish that has been published in the website of World Socialism. Any person that needs helps to fill out  the application they can contact me.If we want to be called the World Socialist Movement, we must propagated and expand our ideas and the socialist case to others countries and workers around the world, and we must also understand that there many countries around the world where workers  speak several languages, and workers in Latin America have  rejected in some aspect the English language because they have associated the English language with the imperialist aim of the USA. The only country in Latin America that is bilingual is Puerto Rico.I have indicated to the members of the WSPUS that within a few years the population of workers descending from Latin American parents is going to increase drastically in the USA and in in some states they are going to become the majority of the population.New York, Boston, Ohio and New Jersey have a large population of workers from the Caribbean, and many of them were members of leftists and Marxist-Leninist organizations, and the old days of public meeting initiated by leftists groups are coming back again too,  PS I am working on applications to be translated into Portuguese or French, for the workers from Brazil, Haiti, and some others islands from the Caribbean

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