Anti-Imperialist voting?

May 2024 Forums General discussion Anti-Imperialist voting?

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    Hello comrades,

    Today I would like to ask you: what British party in it's current state would you vote for to stop imperialism? Labour and Corbyn's non-aggression? Others?

    Please state the party, foreign policy and reasons.

    Have a good day!


    The Socialist Party of Great Britain opposes all wars waged by ruling classes, it is the only, yes the only party to consistently advocate this policy over its entire existence. The Labour party has a pretty dubious record in this regard.


    According to Lenin, for example, imperialism had five essential characteristics:(1) the concentration of production and capital, leading to the domination of the world economy by big monopolies;(2) the merging of bank and industrial capital and the consequent rise of a financial oligarchy;(3) the especially important role of the export of capital;(4) the division of the world among monopolistic associations of international capitalists;(5) the completion of the territorial division of the world among the great imperialist powers. Lenin thought that these factors would make wars increasingly inevitable.Lenin (and others) failed to allow for the sectional divisions of interest in the capitalist class throughout the world. Some capitalists have an interest in exports (most of Britain’s exports are now to ‘developed’ countries); while some capitalists have an interest in imports (Britain is now a net importer of goods). And while monopolies can charge monopoly prices and get monopoly profits, the rest of the capitalists object to being held to ransom. For this reason many national governments and supra-national organisations (such as the European Union) have legislated or directly intervened to control monopolies.The Socialist Party is opposed to capitalism in all its manifestations.  We advocate common ownership, democratic control and production solely for use. We do so not because we are dogmatic but because our socialist theory consistently provides an insightful analysis of the contradictions of capitalism, because of the repeated failure of the alternatives put into practice, and because the prospect of socialism as the meeting of our real needs provides the motivation.


    Imperialism is an inherent and inescapable part/ of capitalism. Reforming capitalism will change little. A socialist revolution is the only thing that will end imperialism.


    Thank you for your replies.I was thinking though, should we vote for Corbyn's less agressive foreign policy, a similar policy or just not vote?


    I won't be voting for Corbyn, been there, done that, bought the T shirt. Capitalism will remain intact and the rich will continue to get richer and wars will continue to be fought and the working class will die in them.The abolition of capitalism is the only thing worth voting forI will be writing 'world socialism SPGB' across my ballot paper.As John Lennon once said 'I hope someday you join us'


    Fair enough, anyway Corbyn's reforms (if he gets in) will just keep capitalism breathing. He won't be able to stop imperialism, probably not even the wars… Forward the revolution!


    If you understand the cause of imperialism and war then forward your Form A for admission to membership to us.

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