ICC meeting, London 21 October: against imperialist war in the Middle East

May 2024 Forums Events and announcements ICC meeting, London 21 October: against imperialist war in the Middle East

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 months ago by Alf.
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  • #247656

    With the new outbreak of barbarism in Israel/Palestine, we are obliged to change the focus of this public meeting, which had intended to concentrate on the ecological crisis. Coming in the wake of the war in Ukraine, this new conflict confirms once again that war plays a central role in what we have called the “whirlwind effect” – the accelerating interaction of all the different expressions of capitalist decomposition, posing a growing threat to the very survival of humanity. It is vital for revolutionaries to put forward a clear internationalist position against all the imperialist confrontations spreading across the globe.

    This does not imply any underestimation of the fact that the capitalist destruction of nature is an integral part of this threat. Indeed, the intensification of war and militarism can only worsen the ecological crisis, just as the deepening of the latter can only fuel the increasingly chaotic military rivalries.

    Neither does it mean that all hope for the future is lost. The return of the class struggle that began in Britain over a year ago, and which is now making its mark in the USA, shows that the working class is not defeated and that its resistance against exploitation contains the seeds of the revolutionary overthrow of the present world order.

    All these questions are up for discussion at the forthcoming meeting, but the current war in the Middle East will inevitably be the main focus.
    For our position on the war in the Middle East: https://en.internationalism.org/content/17406/neither-israel-nor-palestine-workers-have-no-fatherland

    DATE: Saturday 21st October, 2pm to 5pm UK time
    VENUE: The Calthorpe Arms, 252 Grays Inn Rd, London WC1X 8JR
    It will also be possible to participate in this meeting online. Please write to UK@internationalism.org for details.


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