Some publications

“A Book tor the deaf. Surdus in Search of His Hearing.” By Evans Yellon. (The Celtic Press. 2s. 6d. Nett.)

While THE SOCIALIST STANDARD is an instrument designed to open the eyes of the intellectually blind, having no message that will unstop the ears of the physically deaf, it can still afford to offer a welcome to a book that fearlessly and trenchantly exposes the fraudulent methods of the aural quacks and perepatetic purveyors of “patent” potions or absurd appliances, who foist themselves upon the credulity of the deaf, to the deaf’s financial undoing—when it goes no further than that. There is not much left of “the gentleman who cured himself after 14 years,” or “Professor” Keith Harvey, or the Drouet Institute, or “Dr.” Moore, by the time Mr. Yellon is through with them.

The author, himself completely deaf, clearly understands his subject, and the limitations of the remedial measures that may be adopted. He writes with strength and sanity and much humour, and may be commended as a thoroughly reliable guide to any of our readers who seek information upon the matter.

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