Greens prepare(d) to run capitalism

May 2024 Forums General discussion Greens prepare(d) to run capitalism

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    We have always said that the Green Party accepts capitalism and merely wants to go back to an idealised past of small-scale capitalism. Small capitalism is beautiful, that’s their ideology.

    Now we learn that the leaders of the Irish Green Party want to go into coalition with the two main openly capitalist parties there to run the political affairs of Irish capitalism.

    They have done this before and in quite a few European countries for example in Germany, France and Belgium. The Green Party here would do the same if they got the chance.

    This is concrete proof of our contention that the Green Party is a party of capitalism and so unworthy of working-class support.

    They will of course fail to make capitalism in Ireland put the environment before profits in any significant or lasting way.



    At least they are putting it to a vote of the membership:


    They held a 9 hour conference on Zoom on Thursday (it doesn’t say if there were any breaks; hope there are for our Zoom conference on 18 July):

    A two-thirds majority seems difficult ie having to overcome  a blocking minority of one third plus one. It’s probably not in their electoral interests anyway as everywhere Green parties have taken part in running capitalism their voters have punished them at the next election, not so much for their minor achievements like more cycle lanes or less plastic bags as for the other things that the government they are part of has had to do.

    The Green ministers concentrate on the minor reforms they want while leaving their openly pro-capitalist senior partners deal with the managing the economy side of things, inevitably on capitalist lines with the restraints on what can be done that this involves. No “Green deals” financed by taxing profits or anything like that.

    But then if you are a career politician as the leaders of Green parties are or an ordinary party member who believes in “practical politics” then you find it hard to resist being “in power” and having a chance to have a go at implementing  some of your reforms.

    If they do decide to go into government it will be worth chronicling their failure to use against the Green Party here on the mainland.


    They’ve gone and done it.

    We can use this thread to document the anti-worker measures they going to be responsible for as part of a government of capitalism. Could be some useful stuff that we can use to expose the capitalist reformism of the Green Party here too.


    I think the sad thing will be is that the beneficiaries of the future  failure of the coalition will be Sinn Fein

    Bijou Drains

    Well at least the Civil War is finally over 99 years to the day after it first started!

    I do think it odd that the Green Party took nearly 8 hours to count 2,000 votes? that’s a rate of just over 4 a minute and a reported 76% in favour.

    It’s especially strange seeing as a reported 80% of the 195 Northern Irish Green Party members who voted, voted against forming a government.

    That would mean that 39 Northern members voted in favour of coalition and 156 against. That would mean of the 1805 Southern members 1,520 voted for and only 285 against. Strange that there should be such a difference of opinion between Northern and Southern members????? Perhaps there were a Mr and Mrs Shenanigan were at the count?


    Just been reminded by a comrade in the south of Ireland that;

    ”Of course the Greens were in government before (with Fianna Fail) until they were all turfed out of parliament by an angry electorate after the financial collapse debacle of 2008.”

    Forgot about that.


    I missed the current tribulations in France:

    <p class=”story-body__introduction”>The party of French President Emmanuel Macron has lost its outright majority in parliament, after a group of MPs broke away to form a new party.</p>
    Ecology, Democracy, Solidarity will be largely formed of seven MPs from La République en Marche (On the Move) and other ex-supporters of the president.”

    What is the French for Greenwashing?




    I am definitely stealing that word.


    Michèle Rubirola of a Green-Leftist Coalition wins to become Marseilles mayor.


    Comment from a comrade in the south of Ireland:

    ”I read a little about the Green Party going into Government but to be honest I don’t think there’s a hugely significant amount of politics in this. They’re a centrist, capitalist party with an emphasis on the environment; nothing that the system can’t accommodate.”


    Here’s sn illustration that the Greens are not just harmless well-meaning nature lovers but actually entertain mistaken ideas which could harm technological progress from which socialism could benefit:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them will oppose anti-Covid vaccinations.

    The rise of Greens with such ideas to positions where they have some decision-making power is a disturbing development


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