Gaspers: Bricks
“Bricks lying idle in factory yards all over the country represent well over 50,000 homes unbuilt at a time when the social need for better and more readily available housing is greater than ever before.” (M. G. K. Timperley, National Federation of Clay Industries director, 23.12.66.)
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“We should flatten Hanoi if necessary and let world public opinion go fly a kite.” (L. Mendel Rivers, U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman 30.12.66.)
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“. . . the reason for the tally trade’s existence. The gap between needing and affording. Our affluence has never been as copper-bottomed as some people would like to think” (Shirley Lewis, on “Tally Woman”, Guardian 30.12.66.)
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“Chairman Mao not only belongs to you, but also to us and to the people of the whole world. You ought to be proud of him. He is the greatest man today.” (Dr. Mohammed Kashif Al-Ghita, Chairman of Iraqi delegation to Peking. Reported in China Reconstructs, October 1966.)
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“People do get swept overboard, but they often get swept back again.” (M. Lionel Cox, Secretary of Hull Fishing Vessel owners’ Association—Sunday Times 8.1.67.)