Party News: Party Pars

The Seventh Annual Conference of the Party will he held at Easter. Resolutions for the agenda are now in order. Already there are signs this will be a very important meeting. Every effort should be made to make it worthy of the cause.
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A new Branch of the Party has been formed at Gravesend—Secretary, W. J. Wragg, Denton Hospital, Gravesend.
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At the special Christmas morning propaganda meeting of the Tottenham Branch held at West Green Corner, the collection amounted to £2. This sum was forwarded to the Party treasury, and the Treasurer, greedy man, wants to know why other branches don’t do better.
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The Battersea Branch have already secured the Latchmere Baths for the purpose of a Paris Commune celebration on March 19th. This will prove one of the events of the year. Bravo! Battersea.
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Readers in and around Woolwich are invited to attend a course of lectures to be delivered at the A.S.E. Institute. Glyndon Rd., Plumstead, on Sunday evenings at 7.30. Admission free. Questions and discussion allowed.

Feb. 5th   A. Reginald : “The Great Man Theory ”
Feb 19th  H. Newman : “Reforms and Palliatives.’’
Mar. 5th   F. C. Watts : “ Socialism and Religion.”