Russian Tensions

May 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #251250

    The Russian state is concerned by demographic decline (current article in RT, which I won’t be able to link to here): there’s been plenty on the demographic issues of Ukraine, which does lack men in their 20’s, which is hindering call up to fight. This is part of the background radiation of this fight (certainly, it will take decades for Ukraine to recover from its losses as it is).


    Can NATO forever hold back the war-mongering eastern European members on the Russian border?


    EU cannot sanction Russian foodstuffs, but can impose tariffs (given the strife over tariffs for Ukraine, these may be substantial).

    “In a call between Von der Leyen and the Polish prime minister, Donald Tusk, on March 15 – where the possibility of trade restrictions against Russia was raised – the stated concern was “how to support agriculture in Poland and Europe”. Or put another way, how to address Polish farmers’ protests about EU imports of Ukraine grains, which are hurting the internal EU market. The call was not about how to punish Russia, although it could be argued the two are inextricably linked.”

    Let’s remember our case that Tariffs are a fundamental cause of strife between capitalist factions.

    Pointedly, the EU will not prevent transit of Russian foodstuffs.


    Seen this a while ago.

    Ukrainian PM buys £600,000 new Rolls Royce*.

    Ukrainian workers are being called upon by western politicians sitting in their armchairs to fight and die for Ukrainian oligarchs.

    *He has a vast array of expensive cars.


    Georgia, the next Ukraine?


    You mean the USA has plans to get Georgia to join NATO so it can move its missiles closer to Russia?


    Does it?
    Well, that’ll start WW3, won’t it?

    • This reply was modified 21 hours, 18 minutes ago by Thomas_More.

    Georgia, the next Ukraine?

    Still working on your almanac, Theophilus Moore?


    I read on today’s news that turmoil has begun again in Georgia, similar to Ukraine in 2014. The same pattern could repeat itself, if NATO wants Georgia.


    Old Moore has a rival. This, from the mayday statement in Aurora, the paper of the left-communist CWO:

    “The new scramble for Africa, and the Chinese and US manoeuvres in the Pacific, will not be limited to military moves by their proxies for ever. The future that imperialism is preparing for us is a future full of destruction, death and cruel barbarism never seen before”.

    A real mayday message if ever there was one.

    Their argument is that capitalism needs a world war to destroy capital so to enable capital accumulation to continue as reconstruction. If that’s true we may as well eat, drink and be merry (even with the lads).

    Fortunately, their understanding of how capitalism works is wrong. Capitalism doesn’t need a world war for capital accumulation to continue.


    No, i don’t believe that, because after a nuclear war any reconstruction would be impossible.

    Maoists believe a nuclear holocaust to be inevitable.

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