pfbcarlisle wrote: Hi

pfbcarlisle wrote:
 Hi there,There's been a mix-up of post numbers here. Admin also sees unpublished posts, which in this case means that what we see as post number #59 he actually sees as post #60… Also, the suspension was not indefinite, hence your post on here today

nevertheless post #59 is no worse than post #58. Action on post #58 showing fairness, may have prevented post #59. "ADMIN NOTE: TheOldGreyWhistle has been banned for continual offtopic comments and flaming. See Post #60 above." no time indicated. One can only assume this means  indefinate. The Internet Department altered its position after I argued my case and I was allowed back on the forum after 12 days. It is time to admit errors, improve the administration of the forum and move on.