‘Self interest’  does not


 'Self interest'  does not mean 'total selfishness' and the rejection of 'morality' doesn't mean we don't care. Christians claim that it is through God we become humans. Marx and Engles argued  the end of class struggle   will create the first real human society. People have cared throughout history but we still have the most divisive and inhumane society that history has to offer. So morality and caring will not – did not – solve our problems.I always feel that the MCH can be put into context by looking at your own position in history and society.As a member of the working class I and my fellow workers (including those who are hungry) need our material interests satisfied. We will not get there with appeals to ‘justice’ and ‘morality’ because such appeals will not dispossess the capitalist class and remove the profit motive. It is the class struggle and the material interests of the working class  that makes socialism scientific and achievable The history of all hitherto existing society is a history of class struggle not the struggle for 'justice' or improved 'morality', whatever they may mean