CPGB For Parliament

April 2024 Forums General discussion CPGB For Parliament

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  • #83086

    I'm always pleasantly surprised when those least expected start to reflect the SPGB position. 


    Even though its claimed its Lenin's as well as Marx and Engels, this article in the WW endorses political action. 

    Elections and parliaments are one of the places where such a challenge is possible and where a “political movement – that is to say, a movement of the class – with the object of achieving its interests in a general form, in a form possessing a general social force of compulsion”, is possible.

    But i'm not sure if at one point it is actually advocating parliament for reforms. 

    As an aside in the same issue, Andrew Northall, continues his obssession with the SPGB and is casting aspersions on one particular party member.

    Shamefully, in recent years, a leading member of the Clapham SPGB, as assistant general secretary, carried out a vicious and almost obsessive campaign against the Ashbourne Court SPGB, using institutions of the capitalist state such as the police, the judiciary, the banks and the post office to, in effect, force the shut down and liquidation of the expelled SPGB branches. Fortunately, this character did not have direct access to state power; otherwise the results could have been individually more lethal.


    Socialist 'electoralism' though I hate this description and would rather use something like 'suffrage', doesn't start or end with the SPGB.

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