WSPNZ EC Minutes April 2012

April 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement WSPNZ EC Minutes April 2012

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    WORLD SOCIALIST PARTY (NEW ZEALAND) – Executive Committee Meeting

    Held via telephone at 51 Weymouth Road, Manurewa and 15 Tanera Crescent, Wellington


    DATE:                                    Sunday 1st April 2012.


    CHAIRPERSON:                 T Lovatt.  Moved M Grayson, 2nd C Matene.


    OPEN:                                   1:40pm.


    PRESENT:                             (Committee)      A Coombs, M Grayson, M Gribble,

                                                 T Lovatt, V Lovatt, C Matene.

                                                    (Members)         G Coffey, R Watkins.


    APOLOGIES:                       None.


    PREVIOUS MINUTES/ERRORS & OMISSIONS:                     


    Correction to previous minutes, general business, item 3.  Should read: M Grayson attended a lecture in Wellington by guest speaker Pat Kelly.  M Gribble moved the previous minutes be accepted after corrections made, V Lovatt 2nd.  Previous minutes accepted.




    1.       WSM contact for Germany is Norbert.

    2.       Socialist Standards for March have arrived.




    1.       Socialist Party of Canada – newsletter for April received via email.

    2.       Email from A Buick regarding online application for membership received from Rick Barber.

    3.       C Matene moved the correspondence be accepted, M Grayson 2nd, all in favour, correspondence accepted.




    1.       Mobile phone has been purchased, but no simcard yet.

    2.       Ten copies each of “How The Gods Were Made” and “Identity” have been ordered.  SPGB will send them with the April Socialist Standards.




    Treasurer’s report received and read.  Subscriptions paid so far, G Coffey $90, A Coombs $90.  Receipts for mobile phone purchase will show on treasurer’s report next month.  M Gribble moved the treasurer’s report be accepted, T Lovatt 2nd, treasurer’s report accepted.




    1.       Discussion on how to generate interest in people joining the WSPNZ in Wellington, Auckland and other areas.

    2.       Review membership application from Rick Barber which was answered very well and received via email.  A Coombs moved the WSPNZ accept that Rick Barber be admitted into the WSPNZ as a member, J Ryder 2nd, all present in favour, motion accepted unanimously.  Contact Rick and ask him to clarify whether he wants to join the WSPNZ.  He may want to join the SPGB or WSM.  Offer Rick Barber membership to the WSPNZ based on the online application received, which shows he understands Socialism.


    NEXT MEETING:                 Sunday 6th May 2012 starting at 1:30pm.


    CLOSED:                               2:40pm.

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