Hwæt! Hrothgar, hit þencest


Hwæt! Hrothgar, hit þencest þu þæt se walesh ne bide landas Angelfolc?  Hit me þinceth þæt þæt bith unrihtnes.  Angelfolc bith walesh to se walesh.As a supposedly so-called "White person" I can categorically state that I do have black skin.  'sTrue.  If you are "White" then there's a strong chance you have too.  They are known in common parlance as freckles, but what they are are patches of melanin in the skin.  All it means is that "White" people simply have less melanin pigmentation than so-called "black" people.  Indeed, I'd propose a terminological re-definition. "Black" people should be known as "Melanin Rich" and "White" as "Melanin poor" (or melanin deficient, even?).  This does tell us something, that skin colour is just a question of degree, not quality.